The Attraction of Attractions
If You Brand It, They Will Come.
Museums. Zoos. Historic tours. Music festivals. Ethnic festivals. Theme parks. Performing arts. Professional baseball and hockey. There’s no denying the attraction of attractions to capture our imaginations, satisfy our interests and frankly be a whole lotta fun.
At Outlier Brands, we understand that better than most. Maybe that’s why we’ve rocked more than 20 attractions in our history. An annual music and entertainment festival that, upon turning 100 years, exceeded 1,000,000 in attendance for the first time. A national brand theme park. A top-two brewing company public relations tour with 84 consecutive months of increased attendance. And so on, and on, and on.

Bonus for your attraction
Campaigns that have earned more than 100 industry awards, including two international Best of Shows, among 5,000 plus entries from 30 countries.